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Главная » Статьи » 2013 » Chin. Phys. B.

Computer study of the spectral characteristics of the dispers water-methane system

Computer study of the spectral characteristics of the dispers water-methane system


Chin. Phys. B Vol. 22, No. 12 (2013) 123602

A. Y. Galashev


Abstract —The interaction of water clusters that adsorbed methane molecules with infrared radiation is studied by molecular dynamics. The presence of methane molecules in the disperse water system leads to an increase in absorption and emission of infrared radiation and a strong depletion of the Raman spectrum. In this case, the reflection coefficient of a monochromatic plane electromagnetic wave increases and its frequency spectrum significantly changes. The comparison of experimental data for similar characteristics of water, methane, or their mixtures is presented.




Категория: Chin. Phys. B. | Добавил: watercluster (27.07.2016)
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